Last night, Rob and I arrived in Indiana to Robs parents house ( a log cabin in the woods) :) Snow is covering the ground and it is beautiful. They live on a lot of land, so it is fun to watch Sonora run all over the place. She is a happy pup! Right now, we are waiting for Joe, Robs brother, to come over with Sydney and Sarah. We haven't seen Sydney since last July and this will be the first time we meet our new niece, Sarah. We are so excited! The next few days will be filled visiting w family. We had a great time with my family in Colorado...all in all, we are so blessed we are able to spend this Christmas time with BOTH families!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Weekend in Colorado
Rob and I are currently traveling across Kansas towards Indiana after our weekend in Colorado.
We left Phoenix Thursday after my final class for the semester. We got into the Springs Friday afternoon. That night, we headed to the Kairos Christmas party. It was so great to see and talk w old friends. Afterwards, Rob and I headed to Old Chicagos to see Jeremiah and his mom and brother. We use to always go to Old C's w friends in CO so its always so great to go when we are in town.
On Saturday we headed to Ft Collins to watch Nic graduate from CSU. We are so proud of him. Him and his fiance are thinking about moving to Phoenix, which would be pretty cool! After graduation we went to dinner at a hibachi restaurant, so fun!
Sunday morning we went to church w my mom and celebrated "Christmas" with my family that day.
All in alln it was a great weekend. I think one of the most memorable moments from this trip will be my Aunt Dee's rant about models vs regular women. Rob and Brian Jr know what I'm talking about.
So currently, we are 30 miles out of Hayes, KS. Tonight we are stopping in Kansas City, MS and we are finishing up the rest of the drive tomorrow.
(Please disregard the flow or grammer, this was typed on my blackberry)
Posted by Amanda at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Most Beautiful Thing In The World
Upcoming Courses (4)
Posted by Amanda at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Our First Thanksgiving as the Hosts
This Thanksgiving Nic, Andrea, and Brian Jr drove down from Colorado to share Thanksgiving with us. My mom headed up to Minnesota, with Vern, to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. I thought having my brothers come down to Phoenix was the next best thing so we could all spend time together. Rob and I were really excited to host the Thanksgiving dinner. My only hesitation: would I be able to pull of a delicious & moist turkey?!
Posted by Amanda at 6:32 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
November Happenings
....well, not much has been happening in November actually. But, figured I needed to get up here and update something.
Posted by Amanda at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Posted by Amanda at 10:29 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Spiritual Retreat in Los Osos, California
Last weekend we headed out of town for a spiritual retreat in Los Osos, California. Rob has been wanting to organize a spiritual retreat for some time and the pieces fell into place so that we were able to have one!
The "theme" and activities were planned for Rob. One of his seminary classes focused on the Spiritual Disciplines and one of the projects was to plan a spiritual retreat curriculm. This worked out perfectly and Rob decided to focus on Solitude & Silence.
We headed out of town on a Friday afternoon around noon. Our friends Andi & Joe, Amber, Rob, and myself piled into a van borrowed from a friend and headed out to California. It was a 9.5 hour drive but it flew by. We had fun driving through L.A. trying to see if we could spot a celebrity (we didn't). We stopped for dinner at a Mexican restaurant right outside of L.A. and then finished off the last 2 hours of the drive.
We meet our friend Barry at the house that night around 10. He had joined us from Cananda! That night, we settled in and most of us went straight to bed. We woke up the next morning, had breakfast, then headed up to the upper deck for our first study. We had a time of quiet time with God and search for passages in the Bible were God talks about the value and importance of rest.
We ate lunch outside on the upper deck and then headed out check out the town. We took a walk around Morro Rock in Morro Bay (original, right?) :) Then wandered over to Montana del Oro State Park and took hike to the cliffs overlooking the ocean. There were some mountains in the background, it was really green, and the fog started rolling in. It reminded me of Hawai'i! We headed home tired and suprisingly sunburned! The weather was so cool and we spent so much time outside, we didnt even think that we might get sunburned...but we all were!
The next morning we all slept in much later. We got up, repeated the same routine as the morning before, and in the afternoon headed out to check out a couple of wineries. The first winery we went to was actually the first winery Rob and I ever went to! It was fun :) We checked out on other winery and then headed back to town. We wanted to check out a local seafood restaurant so we did that, but not before Andi and Amber found this amazing taffy shop and bought lots of taffy!
The drive home wasn't as quick as the drive to California bc we were tired but very relaxed and rejuvanted from the weekend. It was wonderful. God is good and it was great to spend time with Him.
Posted by Amanda at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
School Bells Are Ringing
I have started back in school! Second day under my belt and I haven't broken out in hives yet so I'm doing good. At the moment I'm kinda tired so I don't have much energy to type but I think often about updating here, I just haven't lately. Sorry :(
Posted by Amanda at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
2nd Wedding Anniversary!
Rob and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary by taking a weekend vacation to Livermore Wine Country. We decided to drive since it is only 10 hours from here. (We saw only until we started the drive back...whew, that's a long one!)
Posted by Amanda at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monsoon Season

Posted by Amanda at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
july 16, 2009
Haven't updated in awhile and that probably has to do with not a lot has been going on! we are dead in the middle of the intense phoenix summer where things really seem to be at a standstill. i'm doing everything i can to keep the few plants i in the backyard alive. rob gets in the pool more than i do but it definitely is the best way to cool down after being out in the heat.
i'm really enjoying not having anything to do, but at the same time, it's so easy for laziness to set in. i'm just trying to soak it all up because come august i will be swamped once again with school. but...i'm almost done! yay!
sonora and socrates are doing well, of course! last month my parents came out for the weekend. they bought us a grill which was so cool. we've used it 1-2x a week so far. my favorite is having rob throw chicken breasts on the grill for us and then adding it to a salad. yum. it's healthy too!
right now i'm at work...10 more minutes till my lunch break is over. then up to help a floor file some paperwork then back to the icu. i love shadowing the nurses in the icu and even better, they know me now and actually utilize me. it's awesome.
till next time!
Posted by Amanda at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
a hot summer day post
whew, it is heating up here in phoenix!! i was looking at pictures taken in december and we are outside in t-shirts and jeans and riding around with the windows down. those are the things you have to remember when you are sweltering in this intense summer heat. the monsoon season is starting up so that means humidity with the heat. augh! pro: i don't have to water my few hardy plants as often. con: the vicious crab grass starts it's attack. last summer, rob and i didn't attempt to control it's growth and we ended up with a backyard full of weeds that overgrew on our grass and flowers. we had to pay someone to come in and do the dirty work to get it all cleared out, it was too much for us. not this year though, i'm on top of it! :) i am trying really hard to develop a green thumb bc even though i dont have one naturally, i loved a beautiful yard with lots of flowers and "green". i do have to say, i am much better today at gardening than i was this time last year which gives me encouragement.
Posted by Amanda at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Summer Camp!
Just a quick update on our summer! Yesterday after church Amanda loaded up her packed bags, and went off with six kids to summer camp! She is being a camp counselor for 3rd and 4th year old girls from our church - there are 5 girls going, as well as 1 boy and Steve Graham, the Refinery's Children's and Youth Pastor. Hopefully she is having lots of fun and enjoying spending half the week up in Prescott, AZ with the gals!
Posted by Amanda at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
summer doldrums
amanda here. so far to describe my summer: lazy!! :D at anytime i could change that and start planning things to fill my days so at the end of them i dont feel so unproductive, but i always tell myself i'll do that tomorrow ;)
anyways, i know once the fall starts i'm going to be go-go-go until may, when i graduate!! whoo-oo!!! the end is near and i am so darn excited. this time next year i will be studying for my NCLEX (the boards to become a registered nurse) and probably anxious/nervous/stressed as ever. once i have taken (and passed) my NCLEX i am hoping to go on a cruise as a celebration. there are two things i have had as rewards for myself ever since i started nursing school: new car and celebrate by going on a cruise. i have never had a new car and i have never been on a cruise. the cruise doesn't even have to be exclusively rob and me...the more the merrier actually. it'll be a celebration! as far as the new car, i probably wont buy brand new bc even though i'm not the most frugal person in the world, i know that the minute you drive that car off the lot it starts to depreciate in value. i'd rather buy used, with less than 10,000 miles and the car seems brand new. my eyes are set on an infinit g 37 coupe, even though i know that wont happen. probably get a nissan murano or something in that category. gotta start thinking of the new additions that will be here sooner than later!
speaking of starting a's kinda surreal that this part of my life, being a mom, is so close. will i ever be truly ready? no. but who is? there are things rob and i want to do before having little ones (like travel to europe) but i know we are going to be the type where we dont let our little ones slow us down, they will just be on the ride with us! i am reading the Duggars book (the family that has 18 kids) and it is really amazing the values, morals, and character traits they instill in their children and how they do it. they are a christian family and the way they raise their children is amazing. i'm reading and thinking "wow, they are truly raising their children to live for and love God" and that is a goal of mine; however, i wonder how i could ever do it. but, that is where faith comes in and i know that God will give me the words when i need them and direction in raising our children and therefore i am not worried.
well, didnt think i was going to go into all that! was just going to write about how lazy and bored i've been this summer :)
Posted by Amanda at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
seattle vacation
rob and i got back into phoenix this morning after our 6 day seattle vacation! we left last wednesday and returned this tuesday morning.we couldn't have asked for better weather! the whole time we were there it was sunny, clear skies, warm with a cool (refreshing breeze), and just perfect weather.
we explored downtown seattle and checked out Pike Market (where they throw the fish), checked out different vendors, ate at Pike Brew and Co., visited a wine tasting room, and walked around taking pictures. of course, we got some coffee, but not from starbucks though we did stop in the original starbucks just to say that we had :)
we stayed with our friends joe and joanna and their little chihuahua molly. molly doesnt like me, oh well! i like my bigger sonora anyways :) she does remind me of my childhood chihuahua mugsy though, which was cute. over memorial day weekend we headed out to the Washington/Oregan border to spend a couple days on in a cabin in the woods. we stayed at the flying l ranch and it was so peaceful in relaxing. i went on a short 1 mile hike the first evening by myself and saw two woodpeckers actually pecking a tree and two deer. rob spent some time by the pond there watching the sunset over Mt. Adams. We went for a short 4 mile hike and saw a beautiful water fall and just enjoyed relaxing and not having to watch a clock. Rob led a devotion (devo) for us on our last evening there and it was good to talk with friends about spiritual things.
on one of the days we were in seattle we took a ferry over to (well, cant remember the name of the town) and when we got to the other side we just rambled through the country side and took in the beauty that is the seattle area! that evening, joanna took a ferry over and met up with us. we then found this amazing pizza restaurant where the owners were super friendly and just made our dinner so fun and memorable.
i'm kinda too tired to write more, but all in all, it was a very relaxing trip and it made me realize how much i really just love being with rob and hanging out with him. he is my best friend and favorite travel companion and i couldnt imagine living this life without him.
on that note...i'll post a picture with this post and get off the computer for the night!
Posted by Amanda at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
God's direction for us!
Amanda mentioned a bit of this earlier - but wanted to go ahead and give a bit more of an update on where we are and what we get to do!
Well, long story short is the opportunity arose with our church - The Refinery Christian Church in Goodyear, AZ to begin doing some work in the outreach and community service areas. There was another type of job that had been on the horizon, but which God slowed the process down. Some medical issue, etc. on the part of those involved have not killed that project, but slowed it down. Anyway, during this time is also when the last job went south, leading to unemployment. This was a good thing! God was working through this all to open a door into something better at the church. The Community Involvement Intern position.
What this position involves is creating and establishing our churches involvement in serving the needs of the community. Bascially, each of the ways that we can do service work, whether local, nationwide, or international. I'm excited! The secondary responsibility is Small Groups, which is cool too!
Outside of this, we leave for a near week in Seattle Wednesday! Exciting, getting to spend some time up in the mountains, etc! and away from our 100+ heat (which is way early and above average at this time, by the way!).
Posted by Amanda at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
summer has begun!
Last week I finished up the 3rd block in nursing school...and I passed so that is always good news :) I now am enjoying my 4 month summer break and will be ready to start back up in August. In block 4 i will be tackling psych and community health. block 5 will cover critical care, leadership, and my capstone project. this time next year, i will so excited that i have graduated and nervous as i study for my NCLEX (the boards you take to become a registered nurse). i am going to take the NCLEX as soon as possible after graduation. i have already told rob i want to go on a vacation (preferably a cruise) to celebrate after taking my boards.
rob accepted the position of Community Involvement Intern at our church, The Refinery. We are super excited to see what God has in store-because we know He's just going to show himself and work through our lives in an amazing way.
This week our highs are in the 100's, so safe to say we are HOT! We are already starting to use our pool! It feels great and really helps to cool you down, not sure how people survive in Phoenix w/o a pool!
Today i worked a looooong and boring 12 hour shift at work...and now i get to look forward to the 3 hour finale of Biggest Loser, my absolutely fav show! Not only do i enjoy watching it but it motivates me to stay active and eat right. Truly, it is one factor that has kept me energized to keep back in shape. That and i want to be bathing suit ready and it helps me enjoy hikes (and other physical activities) w/ Rob because I am able to keep up and enjoy doing it with him.
Thats all from me for now...i'm going to get Rob on here to update about his job situation and other things like that :D
Oh yeah, one more thing. We are headed to Seattle next week to visit Joe & Joanna. I have never been to Seattle, much less the northwest so i am really looking forward to it. i know its just going to be beautiful. we may do some hiking, explore the city, and keep things simple so there is lots of flexibility and spontaneity; should be a wonderful vacation!
Posted by Amanda at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hitting 100
Posted by Amanda at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Posted by Amanda at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wow - It's March!
So not sure where February went, but it's gone! And we are already getting the warm temperatures - it's pushing 90 already the last couple days! This is way above average, and we will be cooling back down.
But as for what is going on: Amanda is on Spring Break this week, so I'm taking Friday off and we are heading out to San Diego Thursday evening for a hopefully relaxing weekend. Amanda got us some whale watching trip tickets for Friday, so we can see the migrating Gray and Blue? whales that are out there. The tour places are guaranteeing seeing whales right now, it is in that season. That should be fun!
I just wrapped up my New Testament 2 (Acts-Revelation) class and it was a tough one to do the tests. So much material was covered, and then the tests covered so much that there was little guidance to help us know what to study. But got through it.
There are a ton of things going on actually - possibly some changes in career for me as well as answered prayer. I won't go into the details yet, not until I know whether I will be doing that or not. But likely, that will happen soon!
But for now, we'll just be enjoying the wonderful weather, the sun, and the sunsets. (yeah - just have to rub it in a little now)
Posted by Amanda at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Posted by Amanda at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Just for Clarification :)
Well, I jumped on here and saw that Rob posted something yesterday...and really he pretty much covered everything I was going to say, so that saves me time :)
But as I was reading the post, I was laughing to myself about how Rob described my sickness in the morning...and how that could be interpretated. But, I really think it was just a little stomach virus...nothing more. There is no bun in the oven here! least i hope not! not yet! i need to at least finish school first!
Posted by Amanda at 3:34 PM 0 comments
School Cycles!
So we are in the full swing of another semester. Amanda is swamped with school work, papers due and readings, assignments, tests, clinicals...just lots of time! Me, so far hasn't been too bad, mostly reading but I'm hitting the paper writing time. In two weeks I have a paper due and three mid-terms. Of course that is right at Amanda's birthday!!! But all in all, no complaints, things are going well, except for a quick sickness for Amanda. Sunday, she got up and was getting ready and suddenly she got nauseous and really couldn't keep anything down. She was down for the count that morning, so I went off to church on my own, so I could answer all the questions about where is Amanda? Ha!
Church is going well, after missing about a month straight over the holidays, we are back in, and it is getting well organized and establishing itself. There is a lot of excitement and potential, and people growing closer to God and each other. That is a good place to be, even if there is obvious room for growth and improvement!
On Saturday night, we met up with our friends and fellow greeters from church, Tim and Shannon Schwartz, and had a good time at BJ's eating pizza and drinking a beer or two. Such a good time, hanging with others who are committed to Christ and living life for him! Plus, they are so fun to hang around with!
Possibilities at this point in my life are giving a glimpse of change, and of hope, that haven't necessarily been readily apparent over the past several months. It could be the answer to long-standing prayers, and I hope that something pans out to the level that I can mention it on here. I'm not ready to say anything yet, don't want to jinx myself!
Posted by Amanda at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Vulture Peak Hike
Posted by Amanda at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Just a touch of work
Posted by Amanda at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
1st post of 2009!
I just got in from a day of work and school. I started my OB/GYN semester yesterday. My professor is awesome and I am so excited to learn from her. Even though I want to go into ICU (Critical Care Nursing), I think God has definitely given me a passion for Labor and Delivery as well.
Rob's classes started up as well. He had Church History II last night, and Greek tonight. Every other Saturday his Cohort meets.
This weekend we are going to the David Crowder Band Concert with Shawn McDonald and the Robbie Sae Band. We are so excited because we are also going with a lot of friends. We have seen David Crowder twice before and their concerts are AMAZING. We are also traveling up to Show Low, Arizona to visit Wade and Dara! They are in Arizona to visit some friends from when they lived here. We are so excited to see them as well.
Barry had a connection from Canada to Hawaii yesterday here in Phoenix, but we were unable to go meet up because Rob was at work and I had my first day of classes-he was so close, yet so far away!!!
Well, gotta go and get Sonora from outside. I am kinda tired from the day but have lots of studying and homework to get done-so might try and work on some of it tonight. Also, my favorite show starts back up again tonight: Biggest Loser! I just TiVo it though and watch it with a hot cup of tea when I have the time!
Hope everyone had a great New Year's! We ended up going to PF Changs and then over to our friends Joe and Andi's house to play games and watch the ball drop. Andi's sister, Bri and her fiance Rob, were there as well. It was a fun and relaxing evening, and by midnight Rob and I were ready to come home and go to sleep :) Maybe some of you had more or less eventful New Year Eve's than we did!
Posted by Amanda at 6:04 PM 0 comments