I have not updated this blog in awhile...not because we have had nothing new going on in our lives but mostly because of pure laziness. I envy those who can keep up with their blogs and take the time to sit down and jot down some of their thoughts on recent events in their lives. I have experienced the joys of going back a couple years when I first started this blog and reading about what was going on in our lives then!
This weekend Rob graduated with his Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. It is an immense udertaking and one of (if not) the largest Graduate degrees you can take...something like 120 credit hours? He grew so much personally and spiritually through these last 3 years and it has been really awesome to see. He had been unemployed since Arizona CityFest ended in March but was offered the Admissions spot at Fuller a couple days before graduation which we happily accepted. It is where God wants him we just know it. That also means God wants us in Phoenix, too! We were definitely starting to play around with the idea of moving back to Colorado...or even Southern/Central California! Overall we really like Phoenix. We like our jobs, our house, the climate...and of course there are things we dont like...one of them being there is no real culture here. But, we have recently stumbled upon and have become involved in Arizona Wine Country!
As for me, I have just rounded out my first year as a nurse. There have been more ups than downs...even though about 3 months in i definitely had a mini-nervous breakdown thinking "what the HECK have i gotten myself into!?" Luckily I have amazing co-workers and a great learning environment so overall I have learned so much but have also realized how much more I have to learn. I have been given higher acuity patients and feel like I am more comfortable in my skills and have some of the doctors have started to recognize me which always makes the job easier.
What else is new...we have continued to do little things here and there on the house which have made aesthetic improvements. Sonora and Socrates are doing great! I guess until next time!