Well, I figured I better chip in here and give you an update from the worksite. I've been overseeing the construction of the administration building for the water treatment plant. It has been interesting and mostly consists of coordinating, scheduling, ordering materials, and making sure everything gets built correctly, per the drawings and specifications. I'm doing a lot more than just the admin building, but that is the primary focus, but a lot of what I've been busy with at work is problem resolution. They are getting to the point where there are issues with materials as they are going in the field, so I have to be the middle man, back and forth between the subcontractors, the owner, and our guys to make sure it installed to a level that is satisfactory. Especially once mistakes are made-because mistakes are always made.
As for other goings on I finished up my first Masters' degree class this past Saturday! One down, two to go this quarter. I have a Greek quiz tonight that I really still need to do a bit of memorization for...the vocab keeps growing every week, so it's hard to keep ahead of. But all in all, classes are good. The class I just finished was Foundations for Spiritual Life, which was awesome. I'm also in an Early Church History class, which is very interesting as well. I love seeing how people have responded to the circumstances of their time.
Amanda is keeping busy right now working and studying right now. Unfortunately, she was kept from being too productive last night while I was at class because Sonora decided to get sick and start throwing up all over the house. Nasty.
We are looking forward to an "off" weekend this weekend. It will let me get some chores done around the house and start working on a paper that is due after Thanksgiving. But we'll also have some time to relax and do fun stuff. Amanda is planning a Girl's night I think on Saturday to go hang with some of her friends. Also, we got invited to go hang out Friday night at a campfire at a local park...it should be fun and relaxing--the weather is awesome here now!
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