2010 has been a year of new starts for Amanda and I. Perhaps the biggest and most significant of these was both a completion and a new beginning! This was Amanda’s graduation from Grand Canyon University in May with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing! Both our families were able to come out for the graduation, which was held on Chase Field (where the Diamondbacks play!). Calling the graduates names by school, Amanda soon saw she was near the end of the commencement ceremony. So of course she worked it out that she was the very last name called and last person to walk across the stage! To top off that day, she got a call from John C. Lincoln hospitals, where she had been doing a student nurses program, and was given a job offer in their ICU! So after passing and getting her RN, Amanda is now working full-time as a night shift ICU nurse in North-Central Phoenix!
This has posed the start of a new schedule for us as well, with a day-shift and a night-shift schedule in the household! Many of the days of dual work consist of seeing each other for 15 to 45 minutes as I get home from work and Amanda is leaving. Sometimes, we just call and wave at each other as we drive by each other. Despite this, we have learned to protect and take time when we do have it to enjoy each other’s company!
In addition to Amanda’s work, I have continued going to school full-time, and have just three quarters of class to go before getting my Masters of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary. I cannot even go into how amazing and challenging this experience has been, or the friends that have been made. It is simply so good to meet people who are so genuinely loving and Godly people, even if we don’t always agree on everything! I also have a job with the Luis Palau Association working for an upcoming event in March 2011. This position has been working with all the churches in the Western half of Phoenix, and is a networking with these pastors, civic and business leaders to meet the needs of the communities. I get to work with people to love their neighbors, and do this more effectively and united! After all, as Christian we are to love our neighbors, and this is done in word and deed! Here in Arizona it is very good to be part of a uniting, rather than separating, effort within the many demographics of the state.
Amanda and I have not gotten to take much in the way of vacations or do much outside of this schedule this year…but we know it is the season that God has us in. Luckily, we were able to get away to Sedona for a luxurious and peaceful evening, and then escape a little bit in San Diego as part of a work-trip there for a Luis Palau Festival. What was really cool was that we were able to meet up with Barry Friesen, who came down from Canada to hang out! We’ve also had some time, even if brief, to hang out with Joe & Joanna Lacanlale, Jeremiah Colon, Wade & Dara Gardner, and of course our family! I think we’ve had Brian Jr. (Amanda’s brother) out for nearly an entire month’s time by the end of this year…it’s been fun!
The transition of new beginnings this past year has been a busy time, and next year is promising to be shaping up into a great year as well, with the Festival, graduation, and whatever future endeavors God has in store for us! We hope and wish that God is also guiding each of you and drawing you into His arms.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May He make His face shine upon you!
Rob & Amanda McFarren
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wrapping up 2010
Posted by Amanda at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
Of course, I couldn't go on a blogging binge without including a recent picture of Sonora. Who knew she liked to play dress up? Well, she actually doesnt but it sure does make us laugh! When we went to San Diego we dropped her off at Camp Bow Wow again. She really enjoys it and they enjoy her. They have Camper Cams in the play areas so we were able to watch her play from California, it was pretty neat. When we picked her up, they had framed a picture of her they had taken in a magnetic frame that said "Favorite Camper" on it. It was a small gesture but one that will definitely keep us coming back and giving them business!
Posted by Amanda at 1:54 PM 1 comments
Cooler Mornings & Evenings
September has brought with it cooler mornings and evenings but the days are still hot...reaching over 100*. Can't wait for the winter!! Winter in Arizona is beautiful, the summer is almost worth it because the rest of the year is perfect weather. My car has a sun roof and I cant wait to ride around the city with the windows down and the sunroof open; its the little things :)
As for Rob, he is so extremely trying to balance full time work, full time graduate work, and a full time wife who loves to have him around (LOL). Right now he is in the middle of a paper writing marathon and I am urging him to finish early so we can go out and celebrate the ending of his Summer quarter. He goes to school full time year round...has been at it for 2 years straight now with one more year to go. I truly dont know how he does it-he amazes me!
September saw a dear friend of mine make a huge life change/decision as she bought a one-way ticket to New York City!! She is going to look for an RN position there-she is such a Phoenix girl but she is going to slip right into NYC life-they'll probably think she's a local. I will definitely be making trips to visit her in the Big City. I already told her she has to find some cool restaurants to take me to!

Posted by Amanda at 1:44 PM 0 comments
San Diego Trip
We just got back from San Diego over the weekend. We headed out to check out the San Diego City Fest that was going on at Mission Bay Park. Rob works for the non-profit who is organizing the Arizona City Fest here in March, so the staff went down to check out how it'll work. Rob shadowed his counterpart in San Diego and was very busy the whole weekend. Our friend Barry joined us from Canada and me and him tried to make the most out of the weekend and relax!
The first day we were there we explored Torrey Pines State Reserve. The beach was beautiful and as we walked the coastline, we had a couple of dolphin sightings which was really neat. This isnt the season for the whales and dolphins and I would love to come back when it is. All the locals were saying you can watch the whales passing by from some of the look-outs on this beach. We will definitely be making a trip for that. Above is one our our "jumping pictures". Barry, who is an awesome photographer and has a great camera, took most of the jumping pictures on his camera. I have to wait to get pictures from him...this was the only one we captured.
That evening, we checked into the Hilton Resort at Mission Bay. Beautiful hotel. We really enjoyed it. One of the highlights (besides the view and great room) was having breakfast with Barry at the restaurant. We decided "when in Rome, do as the Romans (aka the rich folk) and that is how we came to the conclusion to splurge on a $20.00 breakfast buffet that was anything but disappointing.
Saturday, we checked out San Diego City Fest and walked around enjoying that. That evening, we heard Luis Palau speak and watched the Newsboys and some other Christian artists, pretty fun!
Sunday we found this great local spot for breakfast called "Perry's Cafe". So, so good! We then headed over to SeaWorld. The weather was great and there were no lines for anything, we were able to see 95% of the park. The only parts we didnt check out were the kid areas. SeaWorld has come good shows and the way they have those animals trained is unbelievable.
Sunday night we made the long drive back to Phoenix, not ready to come home! I am hoping to plan another vacation very, very soon...

Posted by Amanda at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monsoon Season
The monsoon season started a week or two ago and that means high temps (greater than 100) with humidity. It is the worst time of year here! So hot and muggy! I am hoping it doesnt rain this weekend though because my mom and Barb are coming out for the weekend. They fly in Friday night and leave Monday morning. We dont have any major plans except to just relax and hang poolside.
Work is stressful and I have my first exam in my critical care class so here I go, studying again. It never ends! Rob just had a week off of work so he could attend a week full of all day classes. He is again, back in the grind of work and school. This is one busy summer as we knew it would be.
Can't wait for that cool weather, no more studying, and a time to really enjoy only having to work 3 days a week and more importantly, take a vacation!!!
Posted by Amanda at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sedona Getaway
Rob surprised me with a short weekend in Sedona in celebration of passing my RN State boards and knowing that our summer is going to be full of work and school for both of us. He is taking a full summer load of courses at Fuller and I am in a Critical Care Course all summer. Rob wrote a review on TripAdvisor and I thought he did a great job really sharing our experience at the resort so I am including it here. Kills two birds with one stone: updating the blog and saving me the time from writing it myself!
Absolutely amazing. My wife and I decided to do a quick getaway from our busy lives by coming up to L'Auberge de Sedona. Having found a great deal on one of their cabins through Travelzoo, we soon realized that the touting of this Inn as one of Conde Nast's favorites was not out of the question. From arrival at the complimentary valet, the service was friendly, very professional, and not at all snobby! We were ushered in with promises that our bags would be brought in, and were escorted to check-in. Here, we found out that our room was not yet ready, and after calling to the manager, they ensured that we would not have to wait. We were upgraded to one of the Creekside Cabins (1 or their 2 best suites) and we were blown away. The finishings were detailed, plush, and extravagant. The comfort and relaxation of the room, listening to the rush of the neighboring Oak Creek immediately put us in a relaxed state. The furnishings were top notch, and the outdoor, cedar-lined showers were absolutely amazing!
We also ate at their Restaurant, having been tipped that it was worth the price by a friend prior to going. And it was! While pricey, it was a romantic, tranquil creekside table served with only the best service and quality of food! My wife had a Lobster bisque and Filet Mignon which were both perfectly cooked while I enjoyed a Seared Foie Gras w/ peaches and the Chef's speciality Lamb. Truly amazing, and their wine list was extensive and composed of very good vintages and varietals.
We truly did not leave the grounds of the Inn, sitting on our patio in front of the cabin, taking walks through the gardens and in the shade of the oak trees next to the creek ,and watching the mallards, hummingbirds, robins, and other birds enjoying the foliage. We were able to enjoy the No Tippiing Policy on all services except those for room service of food and wine. In fact, this was the one slight complaint - that the $6+20% charge for having a bottle of wine sent to the room was a bit much, even though the service and convenience was great! The complimentary Wine & Cheese Manager's reception in the evening and Coffee & Pastries in the morning were very enjoyable. The ambiance was just amazing. We left after a short 20 hours, but felt refreshed and relaxed from a stay much much longer. Very Highly recommend and we will definitely return when we can!
Posted by Amanda at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Amanda McFarren, R.N., B.S.N
Well I did it, I'm just super late on updating the blog. I passed and now I'm an official Registered Nurse. So far, working in the Trauma ICU as a new grad is stressful but rewarding. I kinda feel overwhelmed with everything that is going on so it'll be nice once I start to feel in control of the situation...but that'll be awhile.
Now that school is over, I've just picked up taking the Critical Care Course, EKG course, and ACLS course/certification...so now I'm super busy studying much harder material but at least I am getting paid for the class time. It's going to be a super busy summer for us!
Well Rob is calling me to go...off to church on this HOT 4th of July in the Valley of the Sun!
Posted by Amanda at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
NCLEX Tomorrow
Well, the day has finally come, time to sit for my state boards and attain my RN license to practice in Arizona. Eek! Actually, I have been nervous for quite some time but today, they day before, I am really feeling at peace. God has placed it in my heart to serve him through my work as a nurse and he gave me the desire of my heart to work in an icu...so the last step to complete this journey is passing NCLEX. He has known this for a long time and I feel He has prepared me for it. I think I'll pass the 1st time around but I have not left it up to chance, i have put in my time of studying! Maybe not as much as some...but truly, it all comes down to personal preference and amount of weak areas.
Once I pass NCLEX I'll officially be a RN which is the really uneasy part! Now, when people see the "RN" on my badge at work, there is no going back. At JCL they attach a big, large "RN" to your name badge so everyone knows that you are a nurse. No longer can I say "i'm just a student nurse...i'm just an extern...thats the patients RN over there" lol. I actually think it'll push me to be better now with all the responsibility.
Completing nursing school and now sitting for NCLEX is actually going to be a completion of a "life goal". I sure did take the long ways around getting through nursing school but I did it and only because of God's help. I'm ready to start this new phase of life out of school and enjoying it with Rob. Maybe next up, little kiddos??? ;)
Posted by Amanda at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 31, 2010
New Jobs for Both of Us!
Well, graduation has come and gone and I have not been updating very frequently at all. Since graduation, my little brother got married and Rob and I have been busy with the transition from school life to work life (for both of us).
I am SO happy to announce that I was offered a full time RN position in the Trauma ICU where I currently extern. It is such a blessing for two reasons: one, i have a job when currently no one is really hiring new grads and two, it is in a specialty area that I really love. God is good!
Posted by Amanda at 12:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New Work!
Such a busy month this month! Amanda graduates in just 4 short days - she just completely her last big assignment mere minutes ago! But the big day is upon us, and soon she will have her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Grand Canyon University! Graduation ceremonies are this weekend - Friday night pinning ceremony and the big commencement on Saturday in Chase Field. Many family and friends are coming to town - should be a fun-filled weekend of celebration. After that she just has to study up and pass the NCLEX boards to get her RN! We are keeping our fingers crossed that John C. Lincoln-North Mountain's ICU, where she currently is an extern, will bring her on full-time! Please keep that in your prayers.
Posted by Amanda at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
the nights by myself
this night schedule is really cool in some ways...and then kinda cruddy in others. for example, i got off work sunday morning at 730am. came home, talked with rob (as he had just woken up for the day) and was in bed by 930am. slept till 5pm, got up and went to dinner with rob...and came home and barely could keep my eyes open and it was only 830pm. i had just gotten off 3 shifts in a row so i was pretty exhausted. so, in bed by 9pm sunday night...and up by 1am. got up, worked on school projects and headed to the gym around 515 am. worked out and on my way home, stopped by einstein bagels to pick up a bagels for my class that day. jumped in the shower around 615 am, out the door around 7am and class from 8am-12pm. class picture & exit interview with the dean had me headed off campus around 3pm. came home EXHAUSTED with a headache and went to bed and woke up around 530pm. felt lazy and sluggish, finally got wendys for dinner and tucked rob into bed around midnight (after i had vacumned the whole house while he had 3 hours of hw to do). now, here i sit, wide awake with a tired puppy at 3am in the morning. ugh!! i love the night shift bc it lets me get up early and get lots of stuff done...but then i get tired early so have to nap and that just recharges me and leaves me wide awake all night...
Posted by Amanda at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Desert in Bloom & Weird Sleep/Wake Schedules

Posted by Amanda at 2:13 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Orange Blossoms
Right now its the time of year in Phoenix where the orange trees blossom these small white flowers. I am not exaggerating when I say the whole city is permeated with this sweet smell. Its wonderful! The weather here is also gorgeous. 75 and sunny, not hot or cold. This is the best time of year around here!
Posted by Amanda at 5:14 PM 0 comments
My Very First Patient...
...All by myself! :D let's see, where to start. She is on a vent, has a NG and duotube, an A-line, 2 peripheral IV's, continous tube feedings, and she's on an insulin trip which I've been titrating all night. PLUS all her regular meds, pain control, ABG's...etc. All in a nights work ;)
Posted by Amanda at 2:31 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Blogging from the ICU
Tonight is my 2nd night in the ICU and my 4th night shift. Tonight seems to be the easiest one to date, thank goodness :)
Tomorrow is my little bro's last night with us...and back to Colorado he goes. We have went out to eat a lot, went hiking, worked out, and played Risk which is a favorite of ours. Rob and Brian have also spent lots of time bonding over video games!
6 weeks and counting till graduation...
Posted by Amanda at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
First Night Shift
Posted by Amanda at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Exciting News!
The last few weeks has been rainy here in Phoenix, and its not even monsoon season! I know some have enjoyed the rain, but I am not one of them. I am missing the sunshine...bad! Rob and I have been very busy the last few weeks and I have some very exciting news!
Rob finished on of his classes for this semester tonight, Systematic Theology. He really enjoyed the class and to be, the title sounds like a class he would enjoy. He is halfway through his program, which is really exciting! I can't believe that he is almost there. He has worked really hard but I have seen him grow spiritually as well, which i think is really neat.
I am starting my last 8 weeks of nursing school...and it's not as easy as everyone before me has said it is. Maybe its just because I havent started it yet, and i just see all of these due dates looming out before me. I am also doing my praciticum during the night, so i am a little anxious about working nights. But the real exciting news is, i was just offered an externship position this evening in the ICU at the hospital i work out! I am beyond excited. this is a rare opportunity and I have really worked hard to get to know different nurses on that floor and show them that i am worth the "chance". God also has given answer to a desire of my heart and for that I am so truly thankful for a loving and considerate Heavenly Father. wow, He is amazing.
I know we havent been keeping up on here lately...i guess when you are tired and have been typing on a computer all day for "work", its hard to get on here and type some more! Hopefully, when i start working my steady nursing job and the craziness of grad/NCLEX fades, i will be better about getting on here.
right now though, we are busy with deadlines and due dates, graduation plans, and wedding plans for my brother and his fiancee Andrea. we will be flying out there in may for their wedding and i am so excited to get home.
sonora and socrates are doing great :) no news is good news i guess in regards to them!
Posted by Amanda at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wedding Festivities (not mine, obviously)
Today I hosted my first bridal shower. It was for my friend, Crystal, who is getting married next Sunday. We had a great time. Her colors are green and yellow, so I picked lemons from my next door neighbors and used the lemons as my "muse" for decorations. :) Looked great!
when rob got home from class, he told me how he had seen rainbows all day, as he looked out the window, he told me there was a huge rainbow right outside our house. it was the largest rainbow i have ever seen. you could see the whole arc and all of the colors were clear and present. it was so awesome, i had to run next door and tell our neighbors kids (who are 4 and 9). they came outside and were just as impressed as us adults.
speaking of the neighbor kids...they like playing with sonora so we went outside with her yesterday so they could play with her. its so cute, its almost like sonora calms down around them! they wanted to take her on a walk so we agreed that we would go with them. they had fun walking her and i think she enjoys socializing with her "friends".
well, the countdown is now 9 weeks till graduation. soon i will be Amanda McFarren, RN, BSN. whoop-whoop! rob has 1.5 yrs left of his masters (graduate summer 2011). i cant believe he's almost down with his masters! he has done such a great job and really enjoys it.
i'm going to finish watching the winter olympics with rob, apollo is on, he is so great to watch. tomorrow is church and then i need to work on my capstone project...then its one more week of class and crystals wedding festivities start saturday! can't wait!
Posted by Amanda at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Amanda's Birthday!
So yesterday was a big day - Amanda's birthday and the Colts-Saints Super Bowl. One went well, the other a good game, but disappointing outcome! But the past month has seen us focused on school, and getting closer and closer to that graduation day!
At this point, that is really on our minds, as I have currently been looking for work and finding out how difficult this job market is. Sure, there are jobs to apply for, and apply away I have. But it has become so impersonal - submitting online, no interpersonal contact wanted due to the number of applicants for most every job, that job hunting is frustrating. You just never know, and don't hear back! As far as that goes, however, it is truly a job search that is in God's hands. I know that God is leading me to the ministry in one form or another, so it is simply remaining faithful and seeking discernment for the opportunity which God has prepared for us. I don't want to understate this, because if it weren't for this hope, it would be downright frustrating. But all in all, God provides and is wonderful. Our lives are His!
Amanda is busy with school, and preparing bachlorette and bridal parties for her friend Crystal's upcoming wedding! Other happenings include getting to go on a desert hike a couple of Saturdays ago - where we saw no one else the entire time, so peaceful. Also, there are now a couple of newly painted, green walls in our abode.
Sonora and Socrates continue to do well - probably love the fact that I am around the house as much as I am these days...getting spoiled! Sonora is definitely coming out of the puppy stage into being a dog, and is starting to settle. Socrates is, well, Socrates.
In our free time, when we relax, we are getting to enjoy my Christmas present. We have our Rock Band 2 band, Bungi-Bungi jamming out with Amanda as the drummer, and I play guitar. Such a fun group and party video game!
I think that is about it for now - I am going to go for a run, then need to come back and read for class tomorrow. Only have a couple hundred more pages to get done, and finish up the book of Isaiah!
Posted by Amanda at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The New Year!
So here we are, in the New Year already. Rob and I have been "go go go" since the beginning of 2010. After returning from Indiana, we unpacked our stuff from our car, got some sleep, and have been in class since! We haven't even had time to put up our Christmas decorations. We will need to do that sooner or later, but I can't say I mind all that much, because I love having Christmas decorations up, especially the tree.
We had such a wonderful time in Colorado and Indiana. The long drives weren't that bad either. Sonora did great in the car and Rob did all the driving. I offered, but he always said he was good, so I was okay with that too :)
The next big item on our list: graduation for me! I am now starting to feel anxious about becoming a nurse. No longer can I hide behind the reason of "oh, i'm just a student nurse". Now I will be the one in charge making the decisions, talking with the physician, and calming any situations that are going on with the patient. Eek!! I know they give you training etc., etc but it still makes one very nervous!
This morning, Rob and I had planned on getting up and going on a hike, but of course, it is super cloudy outside today! Hello, we live in Phoenix! It's always sunny here, but the one day we actually decide to do something outdoors, the weather is poor. Cloudy and chilly, not the most ideal weather for a hike.
Well, guess thats all for now. Truly, life is just filled with textbooks and papers right now.
Posted by Amanda at 8:01 AM 0 comments