September has brought with it cooler mornings and evenings but the days are still hot...reaching over 100*. Can't wait for the winter!! Winter in Arizona is beautiful, the summer is almost worth it because the rest of the year is perfect weather. My car has a sun roof and I cant wait to ride around the city with the windows down and the sunroof open; its the little things :)
As for Rob, he is so extremely trying to balance full time work, full time graduate work, and a full time wife who loves to have him around (LOL). Right now he is in the middle of a paper writing marathon and I am urging him to finish early so we can go out and celebrate the ending of his Summer quarter. He goes to school full time year round...has been at it for 2 years straight now with one more year to go. I truly dont know how he does it-he amazes me!
September saw a dear friend of mine make a huge life change/decision as she bought a one-way ticket to New York City!! She is going to look for an RN position there-she is such a Phoenix girl but she is going to slip right into NYC life-they'll probably think she's a local. I will definitely be making trips to visit her in the Big City. I already told her she has to find some cool restaurants to take me to!

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