Of course, I couldn't go on a blogging binge without including a recent picture of Sonora. Who knew she liked to play dress up? Well, she actually doesnt but it sure does make us laugh! When we went to San Diego we dropped her off at Camp Bow Wow again. She really enjoys it and they enjoy her. They have Camper Cams in the play areas so we were able to watch her play from California, it was pretty neat. When we picked her up, they had framed a picture of her they had taken in a magnetic frame that said "Favorite Camper" on it. It was a small gesture but one that will definitely keep us coming back and giving them business!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Posted by Amanda at 1:54 PM 1 comments
Cooler Mornings & Evenings
September has brought with it cooler mornings and evenings but the days are still hot...reaching over 100*. Can't wait for the winter!! Winter in Arizona is beautiful, the summer is almost worth it because the rest of the year is perfect weather. My car has a sun roof and I cant wait to ride around the city with the windows down and the sunroof open; its the little things :)
As for Rob, he is so extremely trying to balance full time work, full time graduate work, and a full time wife who loves to have him around (LOL). Right now he is in the middle of a paper writing marathon and I am urging him to finish early so we can go out and celebrate the ending of his Summer quarter. He goes to school full time year round...has been at it for 2 years straight now with one more year to go. I truly dont know how he does it-he amazes me!
September saw a dear friend of mine make a huge life change/decision as she bought a one-way ticket to New York City!! She is going to look for an RN position there-she is such a Phoenix girl but she is going to slip right into NYC life-they'll probably think she's a local. I will definitely be making trips to visit her in the Big City. I already told her she has to find some cool restaurants to take me to!

Posted by Amanda at 1:44 PM 0 comments
San Diego Trip
We just got back from San Diego over the weekend. We headed out to check out the San Diego City Fest that was going on at Mission Bay Park. Rob works for the non-profit who is organizing the Arizona City Fest here in March, so the staff went down to check out how it'll work. Rob shadowed his counterpart in San Diego and was very busy the whole weekend. Our friend Barry joined us from Canada and me and him tried to make the most out of the weekend and relax!
The first day we were there we explored Torrey Pines State Reserve. The beach was beautiful and as we walked the coastline, we had a couple of dolphin sightings which was really neat. This isnt the season for the whales and dolphins and I would love to come back when it is. All the locals were saying you can watch the whales passing by from some of the look-outs on this beach. We will definitely be making a trip for that. Above is one our our "jumping pictures". Barry, who is an awesome photographer and has a great camera, took most of the jumping pictures on his camera. I have to wait to get pictures from him...this was the only one we captured.
That evening, we checked into the Hilton Resort at Mission Bay. Beautiful hotel. We really enjoyed it. One of the highlights (besides the view and great room) was having breakfast with Barry at the restaurant. We decided "when in Rome, do as the Romans (aka the rich folk) and that is how we came to the conclusion to splurge on a $20.00 breakfast buffet that was anything but disappointing.
Saturday, we checked out San Diego City Fest and walked around enjoying that. That evening, we heard Luis Palau speak and watched the Newsboys and some other Christian artists, pretty fun!
Sunday we found this great local spot for breakfast called "Perry's Cafe". So, so good! We then headed over to SeaWorld. The weather was great and there were no lines for anything, we were able to see 95% of the park. The only parts we didnt check out were the kid areas. SeaWorld has come good shows and the way they have those animals trained is unbelievable.
Sunday night we made the long drive back to Phoenix, not ready to come home! I am hoping to plan another vacation very, very soon...

Posted by Amanda at 1:28 PM 0 comments