Today I flew into Denver from Phoenix to start a 4 day visit in Colorado Springs. My brother and Vern are out of town so I get four whole days to myself with my mom! Its been nice spending time with her just talking and running around town. This evening after dinner we took a five mile bike ride around the Spring Ranch neighborhood where they live. There were lots of hills (and fun downhills) and turned out to be a really enjoyable ride and work out, we definitely burned some calories. I haven't ridden a bike in years and it felt so good to have the cool wind in my was also nice to put all my cycle classes to good use.
Even though I am not use to the altitude, I kicked my moms butt (LoL). The sunset tonight was so beautiful...there were huge billowy clouds over the mountains and the rays of sunshine shot through them and it was all different shades of blue and orange. I wanted to take a picture but by the time we got home the sunset wasn't as glorious, but it was so beautiful to enjoy while on the bike ride. Think I'll end the day with a cup of tea and a book!
Definitely was feeling the altitude sickness yesterday (light nausea, headache, tired, overall just general feeling like crap!) I was so glad to crawl into bed. Woke up this morning and felt much better, kinda had the "hangover" symptoms but once I got up and going I started to feel a lot better. Headed to church with my mom and afterwards we got ready and headed to Larkspur for the Renaissance Festival. We both like books written in this time period so thought it would be fun to check out. It was entertaining and fun to walk around a few hours but I probably wont go again until I have kids! We watched a jousting show, I got a henna tattoo, ate some grub, and browsed the shops. One big thing I noticed: there was a lot of B.O. floatin' around that place...ewwww! When we got home, I layed down on the bed just to relax and woke up 1 1/2 hours later after a very restful and deep sleep. Now we are in the kitchen getting things ready for tomorrows 4th of July BBQ at my Mom's house. Also, it was another beautiful day Colorado Springs! Probably headed to bed sooner or later and think I am going to get up and go for a 7-8 mile bike ride tomorrow morning!

Mom with a pirate!

Getting a henna design on my foot
Today was 4th of July! The main reason I made the trip celebrate a summer holiday with my family. It has turned out to be just be my mom and me since Brian Jr. is in Oregon with my dad and Vern is in Minnesota with his family. My mom had planned a BBQ for today at her house starting at 2pm so that was the plan for the day.
We started the day by getting a lil exercise in. My mom went on a run and I took an 8 mile bike ride down to my old neighborhood just to check it out. Its something I like to do every time I come back...go see my old stomping grounds, lots of memories there (good & bad). This is such a beautiful town to cycle in...absolutely love it. When we got back we worked around the house for a bit then got ready and friends and family started arriving a little after 2pm. It was nice catching up with some of my cousins and their new babies and meeting their husbands for the first time. It made me miss mine even more!!! Everyone left around 730ish and I dropped my Grandma back off at home and came back and helped my mom clean up what we had the energy to. I sat outside on the back patio (they have an awesome view of Pikes Peak and overlooking part of the city, panoramic views!) and watched all the illegal fireworks going off over the city. Its illegal here this year since it is so dry. Its now 1035pm and my mom wanted me to wait a little longer for the Sky Sox Stadium firework show but I am tired and meeting Amber at Garden of the Gods in the morning so I am probably going to call it a night. Eh, I'm just not that into fireworks I guess. The ones I did see will last me till next year! Happy 4th!
This morning started the day early by meeting Amber, her Mom and their friend at Garden of the Gods. It was a beautiful morning with no clouds in the sky, warm and sunny. We met at the Visitors Center and then did the short inner loop hike around Garden of the Gods. It was beautiful. Afterwards, we drove the short distance to Glen Eyrie and checked out the castle. It wasn't open to the public so we weren't able to go inside but it was nice to get back there and look at it. Afterwards we headed to Monument to grab lunch at 3 Margaritas which was pretty good. Hanging out with Amber in Colorado was pretty cool!
I headed home for a couple hours before leaving for DIA to pick up my Dad and Brian Jr who were getting in from Oregon. I arrived right when they were getting their baggage so it was perfect timing! Brian Jr has his learners permit so I let him drive the whole way back...sure is weird having your little brother drive! We stopped for dinner in Castle Rock and then headed to my Dads place to drop him off. The water heater is out here at my Mom's so I told Brian if he wants a hot shower he better take it there so he did, LoL.
Once we got home I called and talked to Rob for about an hour and now I am headed to bed here soon because I am meeting my wonderful friend, Ingrid, for tea at 9am. Really looking forward to it! Just a side note, today they announced a verdict in the Casey Anthony murder trial as Not Guilty. People are very upset about the court ruling (as am I)...but the other lawyer did a great job on the defense...he created a "shadow of a doubt". We will see what happens here in the next few years with this one...
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