Tuesday, May 26, 2009

seattle vacation

rob and i got back into phoenix this morning after our 6 day seattle vacation! we left last wednesday and returned this tuesday morning.we couldn't have asked for better weather! the whole time we were there it was sunny, clear skies, warm with a cool (refreshing breeze), and just perfect weather.

we explored downtown seattle and checked out Pike Market (where they throw the fish), checked out different vendors, ate at Pike Brew and Co., visited a wine tasting room, and walked around taking pictures. of course, we got some coffee, but not from starbucks though we did stop in the original starbucks just to say that we had :)

we stayed with our friends joe and joanna and their little chihuahua molly. molly doesnt like me, oh well! i like my bigger sonora anyways :) she does remind me of my childhood chihuahua mugsy though, which was cute. over memorial day weekend we headed out to the Washington/Oregan border to spend a couple days on in a cabin in the woods. we stayed at the flying l ranch and it was so peaceful in relaxing. i went on a short 1 mile hike the first evening by myself and saw two woodpeckers actually pecking a tree and two deer. rob spent some time by the pond there watching the sunset over Mt. Adams. We went for a short 4 mile hike and saw a beautiful water fall and just enjoyed relaxing and not having to watch a clock. Rob led a devotion (devo) for us on our last evening there and it was good to talk with friends about spiritual things.

on one of the days we were in seattle we took a ferry over to (well, cant remember the name of the town) and when we got to the other side we just rambled through the country side and took in the beauty that is the seattle area! that evening, joanna took a ferry over and met up with us. we then found this amazing pizza restaurant where the owners were super friendly and just made our dinner so fun and memorable.

i'm kinda too tired to write more, but all in all, it was a very relaxing trip and it made me realize how much i really just love being with rob and hanging out with him. he is my best friend and favorite travel companion and i couldnt imagine living this life without him.

on that note...i'll post a picture with this post and get off the computer for the night!

Monday, May 18, 2009

God's direction for us!

Amanda mentioned a bit of this earlier - but wanted to go ahead and give a bit more of an update on where we are and what we get to do!

Well, long story short is the opportunity arose with our church - The Refinery Christian Church in Goodyear, AZ to begin doing some work in the outreach and community service areas. There was another type of job that had been on the horizon, but which God slowed the process down. Some medical issue, etc. on the part of those involved have not killed that project, but slowed it down. Anyway, during this time is also when the last job went south, leading to unemployment. This was a good thing! God was working through this all to open a door into something better at the church. The Community Involvement Intern position.

What this position involves is creating and establishing our churches involvement in serving the needs of the community. Bascially, each of the ways that we can do service work, whether local, nationwide, or international. I'm excited! The secondary responsibility is Small Groups, which is cool too!

Outside of this, we leave for a near week in Seattle Wednesday! Exciting, getting to spend some time up in the mountains, etc! and away from our 100+ heat (which is way early and above average at this time, by the way!).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

summer has begun!

Last week I finished up the 3rd block in nursing school...and I passed so that is always good news :) I now am enjoying my 4 month summer break and will be ready to start back up in August. In block 4 i will be tackling psych and community health. block 5 will cover critical care, leadership, and my capstone project. this time next year, i will so excited that i have graduated and nervous as i study for my NCLEX (the boards you take to become a registered nurse). i am going to take the NCLEX as soon as possible after graduation. i have already told rob i want to go on a vacation (preferably a cruise) to celebrate after taking my boards.

rob accepted the position of Community Involvement Intern at our church, The Refinery. We are super excited to see what God has in store-because we know He's just going to show himself and work through our lives in an amazing way.

This week our highs are in the 100's, so safe to say we are HOT! We are already starting to use our pool! It feels great and really helps to cool you down, not sure how people survive in Phoenix w/o a pool!

Today i worked a looooong and boring 12 hour shift at work...and now i get to look forward to the 3 hour finale of Biggest Loser, my absolutely fav show! Not only do i enjoy watching it but it motivates me to stay active and eat right. Truly, it is one factor that has kept me energized to keep back in shape. That and i want to be bathing suit ready and it helps me enjoy hikes (and other physical activities) w/ Rob because I am able to keep up and enjoy doing it with him.

Thats all from me for now...i'm going to get Rob on here to update about his job situation and other things like that :D

Oh yeah, one more thing. We are headed to Seattle next week to visit Joe & Joanna. I have never been to Seattle, much less the northwest so i am really looking forward to it. i know its just going to be beautiful. we may do some hiking, explore the city, and keep things simple so there is lots of flexibility and spontaneity; should be a wonderful vacation!