Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The New Year!

So here we are, in the New Year already. Rob and I have been "go go go" since the beginning of 2010. After returning from Indiana, we unpacked our stuff from our car, got some sleep, and have been in class since! We haven't even had time to put up our Christmas decorations. We will need to do that sooner or later, but I can't say I mind all that much, because I love having Christmas decorations up, especially the tree.

We had such a wonderful time in Colorado and Indiana. The long drives weren't that bad either. Sonora did great in the car and Rob did all the driving. I offered, but he always said he was good, so I was okay with that too :)

The next big item on our list: graduation for me! I am now starting to feel anxious about becoming a nurse. No longer can I hide behind the reason of "oh, i'm just a student nurse". Now I will be the one in charge making the decisions, talking with the physician, and calming any situations that are going on with the patient. Eek!! I know they give you training etc., etc but it still makes one very nervous!

This morning, Rob and I had planned on getting up and going on a hike, but of course, it is super cloudy outside today! Hello, we live in Phoenix! It's always sunny here, but the one day we actually decide to do something outdoors, the weather is poor. Cloudy and chilly, not the most ideal weather for a hike.

Well, guess thats all for now. Truly, life is just filled with textbooks and papers right now.