Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hitting 100

Well, it has officially hit 100 degrees here in Phoenix! i sweated through the two days of extreme heat while Rob was in Irvine, California for a conference for the "next generation" Christian Leaders. The conference was called Catalyist West Coast. I'll let Rob write more about all the learned and gleaned from the conference if he wants. He was super excited, revitalized, and ready to go full force into whatever God has planned for him and we are really thinking it is going to be something in ministry. We will definitely keep you updated on that because there are some really cool things going on right now that Rob may be a part of...I just ask for prayers of guidance for us in the next couple weeks.

Tuesday is my final day of class for this semester and then I'm off for 4 months! I love the time off and am already planning days of laying by the pool, catching up on cleaning, working in the yard, and just relaxing. Even though i haven't neccessarily felt stressed the last few weeks with it being the end of the semseter, my stress has manifested itself in the stomach flu and now an annoying head cold that won't go away! I always seem to get sick at the end of the semester!

This summer we have lots of things we want to do, but we will see what actually comes to fruition. These "things" include: visiting Joe & Joanna in Seattle, planning a spiritual retreat with friends, visiting family in Colorado and hiking Wade's last Colorado 14er with him, visiting with family in Indiana during the 4th of July, and spending some time in at the Grand Canyon.

Other than all that, not much has been going on here at the house. We are staying busy with school & work and spending lots of time with Sonora who is always begging for our attention! We got a "Save the Date" invitation for my cousin Ben's wedding in Orlando at the end of the year so that is something to look forward to! I guess that is about all for now!