Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a hot summer day post

whew, it is heating up here in phoenix!! i was looking at pictures taken in december and we are outside in t-shirts and jeans and riding around with the windows down. those are the things you have to remember when you are sweltering in this intense summer heat. the monsoon season is starting up so that means humidity with the heat. augh! pro: i don't have to water my few hardy plants as often. con: the vicious crab grass starts it's attack. last summer, rob and i didn't attempt to control it's growth and we ended up with a backyard full of weeds that overgrew on our grass and flowers. we had to pay someone to come in and do the dirty work to get it all cleared out, it was too much for us. not this year though, i'm on top of it! :) i am trying really hard to develop a green thumb bc even though i dont have one naturally, i loved a beautiful yard with lots of flowers and "green". i do have to say, i am much better today at gardening than i was this time last year which gives me encouragement.

right now i have my little brother, brian jr., with us for the week. it's pretty awesome. he's grown into such a sweet and polite young little teenager. actually, little is the wrong word bc he's 5'10, 170 lbs! much bigger than me. both of my brothers are bigger than me, not fair! :D

i was a camp counselor at a camp at the beginning of last week and caught a nasty cold. severe soar throat, swollen and tender lymph nodes, a constant cough, constant thick and green nasal discharge, and sinus pressure like i have never experienced before. it started on friday morning and it is now tuesday evening and i am still fighting it. i can take adult germs all day, but kid germs? i guess i have no defense!

well thats about all from this little part of the world!