Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Camp!

Just a quick update on our summer! Yesterday after church Amanda loaded up her packed bags, and went off with six kids to summer camp! She is being a camp counselor for 3rd and 4th year old girls from our church - there are 5 girls going, as well as 1 boy and Steve Graham, the Refinery's Children's and Youth Pastor. Hopefully she is having lots of fun and enjoying spending half the week up in Prescott, AZ with the gals! 

As far as other things go - my intership is continuing to go well, getting more developed by the week. We had an informational meeting on The Streetlight Project - which is one cause we are fully supporting - it is aimed at ending Child Prostitution in Phoenix. This is a very serious issue, and unfortunately one that is also very prominent. If you'd like to know more, check out 

Also, I got to get up and do the communion talk this weekend, first time for that at the Refinery! It went well I believe, but I'm sure I was a little stiff, need to get a bit more relaxed! That will come with opportunity to get up there, I'm sure! I didn't want my first time to be my last! Ha! I finished up my Spring classes Friday (2 finals were due) so I'm enjoying my first real break yet - I have a month until the next class starts in early July. I'm sure I'll have some books that have to be read by then, but honestly it won't be too big a deal. I'm looking forward to reading this month, that is actually my goal. I want to get back into reading for enjoyment and personal growth. I have a novel that I've been stuck about 1/3 of the way through, I want to get that done! Also, a couple other books I want to wrap up - as well as just spending more time in Scripture, for personal reflection over preparation of class material or homework or even church!!! Just need to focus in on God a bit, you know?!