Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Exciting News!

The last few weeks has been rainy here in Phoenix, and its not even monsoon season! I know some have enjoyed the rain, but I am not one of them. I am missing the sunshine...bad! Rob and I have been very busy the last few weeks and I have some very exciting news!

Rob finished on of his classes for this semester tonight, Systematic Theology. He really enjoyed the class and to be, the title sounds like a class he would enjoy. He is halfway through his program, which is really exciting! I can't believe that he is almost there. He has worked really hard but I have seen him grow spiritually as well, which i think is really neat.

I am starting my last 8 weeks of nursing school...and it's not as easy as everyone before me has said it is. Maybe its just because I havent started it yet, and i just see all of these due dates looming out before me. I am also doing my praciticum during the night, so i am a little anxious about working nights. But the real exciting news is, i was just offered an externship position this evening in the ICU at the hospital i work out! I am beyond excited. this is a rare opportunity and I have really worked hard to get to know different nurses on that floor and show them that i am worth the "chance". God also has given answer to a desire of my heart and for that I am so truly thankful for a loving and considerate Heavenly Father. wow, He is amazing.

I know we havent been keeping up on here lately...i guess when you are tired and have been typing on a computer all day for "work", its hard to get on here and type some more! Hopefully, when i start working my steady nursing job and the craziness of grad/NCLEX fades, i will be better about getting on here.

right now though, we are busy with deadlines and due dates, graduation plans, and wedding plans for my brother and his fiancee Andrea. we will be flying out there in may for their wedding and i am so excited to get home.

sonora and socrates are doing great :) no news is good news i guess in regards to them!